Protect your financial and personal information with these tips. Wescom credit and debit card accounts are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for suspicious activity with our automated two-step fraud detection system.
Protecting your accounts from fraud is our top priority, changes in your spending habits and patterns can trigger a security alert with our fraud detection system, especially if these transactions are made out of state or overseas. If potential fraud is detected, your card may be temporarily suspended, blocking it from further transactions until the questionable charge can be verified, ensuring your account is safe.
Members are encouraged to take a few simple steps to keep their personal information safe.
Experts agree that fraud can only happen to you with YOUR participation. To better ensure the safety of your accounts, all members need to stay on the alert for fraud. Wescom is committed to helping you learn more about the fastest-growing scams by providing updated information on our Facts About Fraud page.
If you think unauthorized access or fraud has occurred with your Wescom accounts, report such incidents to your closest Wescom branch or call the Member Contact Center at 1-888-4WESCOM (1-888-493-7266).